Enjoy Every Moment

Live in the moment, be present.  Easier said than done.  When I am at my desk working away on a deadline it’s hard not to want to be somewhere else.  I’m sure this week lent its struggles with the long weekend anxiously waiting at its end, but the wait doesn’t have to be excruciating.  Sometimes we forget that life can be short.  Remember to do the things you enjoy and enjoy the things you do.  Life can be filled with obligation but we can love the things we need to do.  Yesterday, after a long work day, 2 minutes from my house I remembered my beloved Basset Hound was out of food.  The last thing I wanted to do was detour to the pet food store.  I felt the knot in my stomach forming from my emotion resistance to the chore.  So I calmed it down.  I thought to myself, this is my chance to take a back road, look at what people are doing with their front yards, find a shorter route to the grocery store... and it worked!  I was there before I knew it and felt so proud of myself that the joy stayed with me!  Fold laundry with contentment in the success of now having clean clothes.  Pay bills with the satisfaction of responsibility and above all, live with joy of being alive!


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