I look good in my rose colored glasses

Moods are contagious.  When someone around you is grumpy they may focus on all the things that drag them down.  They can point out things that are unsettling, draw upon negative emotions and poison optimism.  But good moods are contagious too.  Let your smile bring one to some one else’s face.  It’s so easy to see the hustle and bustle of the holidays as negative when through a different pair of glasses (maybe rose colored ones) it’s all fun and exciting.  Instead of getting annoyed that stations are playing Christmas music try turning it up in the car and singing along – you know you know all the words.  If car karaoke is asking too much then let yourself see the huge puddle just beyond your doorstep as an excuse to wear your rain boots and big cozy jacket instead of a nuisance.  It is all how we look at things, so why would be ever choose to see anything but the best?


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