Second Chakra

Our second chakra, svadisthana, is based in the water element.  It is located around the hips, low back, reproductive organs and abdomen.  Unlike our root chakra, it is fluid.  The second chakra links to a person’s sexuality, emotions and desires.  It is often associated with pleasure.  A well nurtured root chakra, our survival instinct, allows our second chakra to feel more supported and therefore flourish. 
Symptoms of an overactive second chakra may be emotional dependency, poor boundaries with others, additions to stimulation or sexual activities and mood swings.  A deficient second chakra can be characterized by fear of change, lack of desire or passion, poor social skills, boredom and insensitivity.  A balanced second chakra demonstrates openness to change, graceful movements, passion, sexual satisfaction and nurturance of one’s self and others.  Physical imbalances of the second chakra may manifest in bladder infections, low back pain, hip displacement, reproductive issues, menstrual difficulties and abdominal distention. 
To bring more balance to our second chakra we can allow ourselves to become more flexible in our bodies and attitudes.  Consume water, attend yoga classes, engage in outdoor activities and dance to stimulate the flow of the “water” element of our second chakra.  Set aside time to pursue a passion.  Cultivate an awareness of our own emotions so we are less likely to project them onto those around us while also still allowing ourselves to feel. 

Yoga poses that promote balance in the second chakra are pelvic tilts, reclined butterfly (supta baddha konasana), gomukhasana and pigeon. 


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